
Natural Resources Commission (NRC) Biodiversity Audit

NSW Government

RMCG was engaged by the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) to conduct a stage one audit of Local Land Services’ (LLS) implementation of major reforms. The reforms, implemented in response to the 2014 report of the Independent Biodiversity Legislation Panel concluded that fundamental and transformational change to the system was needed to ensure biodiversity was conserved, and sustainable development supported.

Addressing the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (NSW), the reforms comprise of a broad range of actions across Government that contribute to biodiversity conservation. The new Land Management Framework is administrated by LLS, with a focus on the Sustainable Land Management Group (SLMG), which provides extension and support to landholders.

As part of the stage one audit RMCG identified and reviewed SLMG’s processes, systems, records and guidelines, as well as their capability to provide accurate, consistent and timely advice. The final report to the Minister provided evidence-based insights for the SLMG to improve implementation.


Jencie McRobert

Jencie McRobert


B.Sci., Grad.Dip.Eco., Assoc.App.Sci.

Jencie understands the science and economics of natural resource management and has grounded and practical experience in soils, mixed farming and viticulture. She has highly developed skills in evaluation of agricultural and natural resource management programs, business case writing, greenhouse emissions analysis and sustainable resource use, and catchment management.  Jencie knows and appreciates the issues affecting communities in rural and regional Australia.

Steph Drum

Steph Drum


B.Nat.Res. (Hons)

Steph has specific skills and experience in natural resource management and sustainable agriculture, stakeholder and community engagement, policy and strategy development and evaluation. She has broad ranging experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of natural resource management programs. Steph combines her technical NRM knowledge with her expertise in building community capacity to develop tailored approaches to delivering and evaluating both environmental and social outcomes.