
23 Jan 2019

A notable innovation: Water Efficiency Improvement in Drought Affected Provinces (WEIDAP) Project

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) held the 2018 Asia Water Forum in Manilla, Philippines in early October. The event provided the opportunity for over 800 participants to share their water security knowledge and experience, with a focus on Information, Innovation and Technology.

As part of the event’s opening address Asian Development Bank’s President Takehiko Nakao discussed the benefits that new technologies and innovations provide to communities’ water security. This included a reference to the successful Water Efficiency Improvement in Drought Affected Provinces (WEIDAP) project as a notable innovation.

With support from the ADB, the project commenced in 2018 and has worked with five drought-affected provinces in Vietnam to modernise water management. RMCG’s Senior Fellow Rob Rendell is playing a key role on the project team, applying his 40 years of experience and knowledge of Australian irrigated agriculture to develop a practical and efficient system.

The outcome of the project is to provide climate resilient and modernised irrigation systems that are flexible and affordable to the province’s beneficiary farmers. It is expected that the irrigation management systems will be fully operational by early 2024.

To hear from Rob Rendell and his involvement in the WEIDAP project, head to the Australian Water Partnership website here