
Assisting the Commonwealth to understand Great Barrier Reef investments

Department of Environment (Cth)

We assisted the Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy in compiling non-governmental investments on Great Barrier Reef protection and enhancement for 2013-14 and 2014-15. The study looked at co-contributions to government programs from private landholders, philanthropy investments, research and investments by NGOs. To our knowledge, it is the first attempt at compiling this type of information on the GBR, and follows our previous work for the Department compiling local government investments.


Simon McGuinness

Simon McGuinness



Simon specialises in strategic planning, critical thinking, evaluation and facilitation.  He works primarily in the natural resource management sector, and also has deep experience in rural and regional development. With expertise in mediation and conflict resolution, he has led numerous projects requiring skilful delivery of community and stakeholder engagement processes.

Steph Drum

Steph Drum


B.Nat.Res. (Hons)

Steph has specific skills and experience in natural resource management and sustainable agriculture, stakeholder and community engagement, policy and strategy development and evaluation. She has broad ranging experience in the design, implementation and evaluation of natural resource management programs. Steph combines her technical NRM knowledge with her expertise in building community capacity to develop tailored approaches to delivering and evaluating both environmental and social outcomes.

Steph McNulty

Steph McNulty

Senior Consultant

M.Env., B.Sci. (Marine Biology)

Steph has ten years’ experience working in environmental management. Key areas of knowledge include general ecology and environmental policy. She has specific skills in GIS analysis, project management and stakeholder consultation. Steph’s work has focused on the delivery of balanced, practical and effective environmental interventions.