
Evaluation of stakeholder perspectives on the Native Vegetation regulatory map

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage

In response to a 2014 review of biodiversity conservation legislation in New South Wales, the Native Vegetation Regulatory (NVR) Map was developed to indicate where clearing native vegetation can occur, compliant with regulations under the Local Lands Services Amendment Act 2016(NSW).

In mid 2017, the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage engaged RMCG to undertake an independent evaluation of landholders’ level of understanding and acceptance of NVR Map rules.

Using surveys and observational techniques to generate qualitative and quantitative data, RMCG researched the perspectives of 89 landholders over a series of 10 workshops across NSW. We analysed qualitative data using the grounded theory method and produced a report with six high level recommendations to improve the NVR Map and landholder understanding and acceptance.
