
Kilmore East-Kinglake and Murrindindi bushfire loss assessment

Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

RMCG has had an ongoing multi-faceted involvement in the class actions that arose from the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in the Kinglake (Kilmore East-Kinglake bushfire) and Marysville (Murrindindi bushfire) areas.  Initially, we were engaged by both the lawyers for the claimants and the Supreme Court to undertake consultation with a sample of bushfire victims to assess the property losses they had experienced.  This involved direct face-to-face contact and follow-up telephone contact with those chosen to be part of the sample.

RMCG was engaged because of our deep understanding of rural communities; our mix of experience in community consultation and business analysis; and our previous experience of similar work resulting from the Horsham, Coleraine and Weerite bushfires that occurred on the same day.
