
Toolbox for Greenhouse Construction and Safe Operation

Hort Innovation

RMCG in conjunction with Osborn Consulting Engineers designed the Toolbox for Greenhouse Construction and Safe Operation to provide a comprehensive approach to planning, design, and prevention measures to consider when establishing or expanding a greenhouse operation. The toolbox provides information based on a particular farm activity or issue including:

  • General farm management practices
  • Government approval process
  • Safe operations management practices
  • Infrastructure requirements
  • Access and egress
  • Other issues and common grower concerns

The toolbox considers a range of greenhouse (G) and grow structure (GS) growers with different farming activities, technical issues, and structural technology levels (low, medium or high). A needs analysis was undertaken through a nation-wide survey of G/GS growers to understand where they source information, as well as the strengths and weakness of current regulatory systems in place and available information. This ensured the toolbox was fit-for-purpose.

The toolbox has compiled relevant information that enables growers to make informed decisions in relation to the regulatory procedures, certification, and operation of their greenhouse facilities.

Information is available through an interactive website ( containing a series of interlinked fact sheets to address each individual farm activity or issue.
