
Victorian Landcare Review

RMCG completed an independent review of the Victorian Landcare Program (VLP) concurrently with an evaluation of the Victorian Local Landcare Facilitator Initiative (VLLFI). The primary objective of the VLP review was to provide an opportunity for the Landcare Community and other key stakeholders to provide feedback on the program and suggest improvements to inform future program design, delivery and participation. The purpose of the VLLFI evaluation was to identify key outcomes and achievements, determine the effectiveness of program design and delivery, and identify opportunities for improvement in future delivery.

RMCG developed a combined evaluation/review framework for both projects, conducted the data collection and analysis, presented the findings to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and the Stakeholder Reference Group, and provided a final report with recommendations for both the VLP and VLLFI. A combination of targeted interviews, workshops and an online survey were undertaken to ensure wide coverage of participants and allow every opportunity for the Landcare Community and other stakeholders to be involved in the review and evaluation.

A total of 160 targeted interviews were completed and over 900 responses to the online survey were received. The data was collated and analysed to inform the development of recommendations. The recommendations were presented and discussed with DELWP and the Stakeholder Reference Group before being finalised.


Since submitting the final report DELWP have released the Victorian Landcare Program Review Action Plan. The action plan has been written in response to the recommendations provided in the RMCG review and outlines how the Government will work with Landcare to implement the actions in response to the recommendations in the review. For more information click on this link to the action plan.
