Victorian gorse survey seeks to support landholders


Victorian gorse survey seeks to support landholders

27 MAR 2018

The Victorian Gorse Taskforce (VGT) has developed a community survey to gain an understanding of the types of support that communities need from VGT to manage gorse in their local area. The VGT u...

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Exploring innovative approaches to estuary conflict

31 OCT 2017

RMCG Consultant Jaclyne Scally is currently on a self-guided study tour exploring innovative approaches to address conflict between agricultural and environmental values in estuaries. Funded by a Vict...

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A tender for improving water quality – what’s left to learn from using tenders?

18 JAN 2017

Tenders have been used in a variety of environment grants programs, including some waterway health projects. While reflections on these experiences have been mixed, there is little information in the ...

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Local Action On Global Problems – Protecting Ramsar Wetlands in Victoria

15 JAN 2017

View the presentation here made at the Coast to Coast Conference, Perth (2014)....

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Working with service providers to improve climate and emissions services to farm businesses

06 JAN 2017

Working with service providers is important in assisting farmers’ to respond to climate change to ensure more productive, competitive and sustainable farm businesses in the long-term (Stokes and How...

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Is it feasible to manage natural resources in peri-urban landscapes?

14 JAN 2017

View the presentation here made at the NRM Knowledge Conference, Hobart (2014)....

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Engaging Peri-Urban Landholders in NRM

11 JAN 2017

Engaging landholders in natural resource management (NRM) is a challenge in any landscape, however it can be inherently more difficult in peri-urban landscapes. This paper investigates why thi...

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Collaborative Improvement Framework – Creating a Legacy Through Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Evaluation

08 JAN 2017

The purpose of this paper is to describe and highlight the key themes and success factors for the design, implementation and legacy of programs in the agriculture and NRM sector. This paper presents t...

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Adaptation planning with various levels of government in Victoria: Knowledge, Tools and Principles

08 JAN 2017

Planning for adaptation to climate change will be important in enabling government and organisations respond to likely impacts, including increased extreme events (IPCC 2007; IPCC 2012). In s...

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What Will Climate Change Do to Spaghetti Bolognese?

13 DEC 2016

Social researcher and author Rebecca Huntley uses the recipe for this very popular and accessible dish to highlight the varied threats to our future food supply from global climate change. A very p...

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