Video: Claire Flanagan-Smith shares her tips on creating high impact meetings online

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Unsure of how to stay engaged with your audience in the current working climate? Listen to RMCG Principal Claire Flanagan-Smith share the benefits to meeting online and the role it can play in future business interactions.

Video: Claire Flanagan-Smith shares her tips on creating high impact meetings online

02 APR 2020

RMCG Principal Claire Flanagan-Smith recently spoke to Victoria Taylor from Amplify about the benefits of online engagement. In this interview, Claire shares how to approach online engagement opp...

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Webinar delivery and training

30 MAR 2020

Webinars provide the opportunity to engage remotely with your target audience to continue to deliver your important services and projects. To find out more about how RMCG can help you transition your ...

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Covid-19 update

23 MAR 2020

The wellbeing of our staff, clients and service providers is at the core of what we do. We're open for business to deliver your important work. RMCG understands that COVID-19 is and will continue ...

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Effective engagement is possible without being face to face

18 MAR 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) will change the way we do our work, but as we still have important work to do, it can’t be allowed to stop our work. As a geographically spread business working with geographi...

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International Women’s Day

08 MAR 2020

Equality is not a women's issue, it's a business issue. Gender equality is essential for economies and communities to thrive. A gender equal world can be healthier, wealthier and more harmonious - s...

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Let RMCG guide you through EPA approvals

25 FEB 2020

An EPA approval or licence may be required if your business is planning to undertake activities which risk causing harm to the environment or human health. The purpose of these authorisations is to: ...

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World’s first Regional Resilience Strategy

13 FEB 2020

Over this summer and the seasons preceding it, we've seen the impact of various factors on the ability of rural and regional communities and regions to plan for and cope with drought and bushfire. The...

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Chickens versus Lattes

06 DEC 2019

We know the chicken meat industry is changing as farms and factories massively upscale and corporatize.  It is moving from the urban fringes to more remote areas including Griffith and Tamworth.  Th...

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North West Agricultural Workforce Plan

19 NOV 2019


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The nominations are in!

11 NOV 2019

  The RBMS Awards Night 2019 is an integral part of the river and catchment management industry, attracting award nominations and attendance from hundreds of industry professionals. As a pro...

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