Basin Plan – Impacts on irrigation communities in northern Victoria


GMID Water Leadership Forum

Basin Plan – Impacts on irrigation communities in northern Victoria

23 JAN 2017

RMCG completed a socio-economic study of the impact of the Basin Plan across the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District (GMID). The study was commissioned by concerned agencies and stakeholders in the re...

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Connections Program Market Research

23 JAN 2017

RMCG was engaged to undertake statistically sound research to determine the current level of satisfaction with customers that are yet to start, in the process and completed their on-farm works as part...

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Evaluating the impact of Water Use Efficiency Research and Development activities in Northern Victoria

23 JAN 2017

RMCG evaluated the impact of the Departments Future Farming Systems Research (FFSR) division research and development (R&D) activities relating to water use efficiency (WUE) in the irrigated dairy...

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Land Capability and Market Viability of Irrigated Agriculture with Alternative Water in Melbourne’s West

23 JAN 2017

Significant urban growth is expected on the western edge of Melbourne, with corresponding growth in recycled water and stormwater flows. RMCG was engaged by DELWP to identify suitable agricultural lan...

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Rebecca Schwarzman

Bec is a skilled geographer and environmental scientist with a background in water, natural resource management and regional development. She has made important contributions to catchment and water...

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Rob Rendell

Rob has more than 40 years’ experience in irrigation, groundwater drainage, salinity management, project management, extension, reclaimed water re-use, practical irrigation farming and farm manageme...

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Offsets study and scheme Kilmore Water Reclamation Facility

23 JAN 2017

Goulburn Valley Water (GVW) provides water supply and sewerage services to the town of Kilmore. Sewage is currently treated at a lagoon-based wastewater management facility (WMF), with the recycled wa...

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Bacchus Marsh Integrated Water Management Plan

23 JAN 2017

RMCG joined with KBR to assist Western Water with the development of the Bacchus Marsh Integrated Water Management Plan (IWMP). The IWMP sought to achieve cost effective EPA compliance of recycled wat...

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Sally Scrivens

Sally has a background in ecology with extensive field experience. She specialises in natural values assessments and has experience in water resources and land use planning. ...

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Domestic Wastewater Management Plan

23 JAN 2017

RMCG was engaged by the Shire to prepare a domestic wastewater management plan (DWMP). RMCG reviewed and analysed current information and existing data, undertook stakeholder engagement to determin...

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