

Our team works closely with clients to co-design projects that are tailed to each community and stakeholder group's unique needs and concerns.

We like to co-design projects. And we mean real co-design, that goes beyond consultation by building and deepening equal collaboration between people affected by or engaged in resolving a particular challenge.

We can support co-design by training your team or by working directly with your communities and stakeholders through creative, purposeful and empowering partnerships.


Claire Flanagan-Smith

Claire Flanagan-Smith


B.Env.Eng. (Hons)

Claire has more than a decade’s experience in strategic planning, facilitation and community engagement in a range of industries. Claire’s people and strategy skills are underpinned by a strong understanding of engineering and policy. She helps communities and organisations deal with complex issues, supporting insight and constructive strategy. Claire has delivered quality projects including investigations of community concerns related to mining, regional strategic planning, socio-economic impact studies and strategic planning for a wide range of organisations.

Jamie Rooney

Jamie Rooney

Senior Consultant

M.A. (Archaeology & History)(Hons)

Jamie is a consultant in our community and strategy work area. He has been actively involved in the research and management of archaeological and Aboriginal cultural heritage projects throughout Australia and Europe since 2015. He specialises in the management of complex cultural heritage projects and has extensive experience of cultural heritage management in the resources, urban development, and infrastructure sectors across Victoria; and the development of mining infrastructure and Indigenous community consultation in remote areas of Cape York, Queensland. 

During his time working in Australian archaeology, he has developed strong working relationships with a number of Registered Aboriginal Parties, Traditional Owner groups, government agencies, and both private and public corporations throughout Victoria and Queensland. During this time he has gained a unique insight into the ways in which major corporations, small businesses and indigenous communities can work together to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes.

Jamie is experienced in project management, community outreach and Traditional Owner engagement, and has successfully project managed a number of Cultural Heritage Management Plans, and specialist heritage assessments throughout Australia. 

Melissa Ludeman

Melissa Ludeman

Senior Consultant

B.Env.Sci. (Hons)

Melissa is a Senior Consultant in the Community and Strategy team at RMCG, with extensive expertise in natural resource management, sustainable agriculture, strategy development, evaluation, and stakeholder engagement. She has a proven track record in working with diverse clients, including catchment management authorities, state and Commonwealth governments, and industry bodies. Mel is skilled in developing and implementing strategic plans that address environmental challenges and promote sustainability. Mel has also assisted clients with evaluation planning as well as mid-term and final program evaluations to assess whether they have met their objectives and deliver continuous improvement. Additionally, Mel is experienced in stakeholder and community engagement, facilitating collaboration and participation to ensure that strategies and initiatives are inclusive and effective.