
Water and irrigation services

RMCG Tasmania has a range of specialist skills associated with water and irrigation, which can be applied at a farm or regional scale.

  • Water Allocation Assessment Reports and water licencing: RMCG Tasmania uses the Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Water Assessment Tool (WAT) as a guide when determining surface water availability at a given location. WAT and the outputs are used by the Department to determine water availability for farm dam application and water licence approval processes.
  • Water quality monitoring: We use routine and event specific water quality monitoring to assist councils with determining priorities for, and the effectiveness of, storm water infrastructure upgrades. We have developed a turbidity prediction model which uses inputs of stream flow, release volume, receiving environment turbidity and dam turbidity to predict turbidity in the downstream mixing zone where dam release water mixes with surface water.
  • Economic analysis: We provide comparative analysis of available irrigation water resources to inform potential water purchasers of costs for comparable water resources based on water reliability and markets. We have also undertaken a strategic assessment at the catchment level of the economic impact of management actions taken by irrigators to manage stream flows and reduce the number and length of restrictions.
  • Compliance: We advise and assist irrigators to meet compliance requirements for water licence conditions and Water Course Authorities. RMCG Tasmania conducted a stakeholder analysis in a project to determine water-licence holders’ understanding of their rights and obligations with respect to compliance with licence requirements. Feedback was sought via focus group meetings, individual interviews and a questionnaire. This was a Council of Australian Governments (COAG) initiative funded by the Australian Government.
  • Due diligence in relation to water licences, water entitlements, and existing and potential dam capacities: Understanding irrigation water resources in Tasmania is complex with surface water (dams and streams), scheme water (private and Tasmanian irrigation), groundwater, Hydro Tasmania and Taswater adding to the complexities in different parts of the state. We often provide independent summaries for vendors describing their irrigation water resources. We also provide due diligence assessments and reports including reliability and cost comparisons of water resources.
Project example: Our Water – Our Future; Your Water Licence – Your Say

RMCG Tasmania conducted a stakeholder analysis in a project to determine water licence holders’ understanding of their rights and obligations with respect to compliance with licence requirements.

Feedback was sought via focus group meetings, individual interviews and a questionnaire. This was a Council of Australian Governments (COAG) initiative funded by the Australian Government.


Sally Scrivens

Sally Scrivens


BSc (Hons)

Sally has a background in ecology with extensive field experience. She specialises in natural values assessments and has experience in water resources and land use planning.

Samantha Gadsby

Samantha Gadsby

Senior Consultant

BSc, M Env Man.

Samantha specialises in water resources and delivers services in natural values and development approvals. Samantha’s main work at the moment is delivering a dam safety audit project for Taswater.